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    NEWS ( PT Angsa Emas Perdana
    Catering & Accommodation (Service & Equipment) )
    PT Angsa Emas Perdana is one of Industrial Catering Services Company that delivers food and beverage to specific industries, from in town to remote areas. PT Angsa Emas Perdana founded by our team in 2008, consisting of people with 25 years experiences in food, hospitality and catering industry.
    PT. Tonsco International

    PT Tonsco International, TONSCO INTERNATIONAL'S Establish in Indonesia in 1997. The company was orig ...
    PT. Catur Elang Perkasa

    PT Catur Elang Perkasa, Our services is generally divided into several segments which are EPC (Engi ...
    PT Interport Mandiri Utama

    PT Interport Mandiri Utama, A solid team of experienced experts, and a reliable system backed by a stro ...

    PT. STEEL PIPE INDUSTRY OF INDONESIA (SPINDO), Kami memproduksi berbagai macam pipa baja dengan standar sertifikasi domest ...

    We mean energy, For Over 25 Years We have completed many projects in the area of oil and ga ...
    PT Merck Chemical & Life Science

    PT Merck Chemicals and Life Sciences adalah bagian dari Grup Perusahaan Merck di Indonesia yang menaungi bisnis Life Science, dengan fokus menyediakan, PT Merck Chemicals and Life Sciences adalah bagian dari Grup Perusahaan Mer ...
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