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    PT Angsa Emas Perdana
    JL. Damai II No. 36, Cipete Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12150
    Phone : 021 2277 4593 / 0852 2371 1303
    Fax : -
    Email :
    Website :
    Contact : Adriana Iftita
    Angsa Emas Perdana industrial catering and facility management service enables our client to concentrate their resources on core business. Serve clients from in town to remote areas, we are focus to deliver high quality product with excellence services to support our client vision and mission.

    Transformation of product quality and service delivered will become our main goals in the next year to come. We are aware that client’s expectation are likely to increase for the recent years while facing challenging global economic conditions.

    We continuously challenge ourselves to bring memorable service experience through authentic food taste, attractive presentation and excellence service on every level of interaction, start from on site service to corporate correspondence.

    We will continue to contribute the need of our client on industrial catering and facility management service, with positive energy and attitude to achieve sustainable positive result for our clients, people and shareholder.
    NEWS :
    PT Angsa Emas Perdana is one of Industrial Catering Services Company t ...
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