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    NEWS ( Wuhan Tensense Geotech Co.,Ltd.
    Seismic, Geotechnic, & Geophysics )
    Wuhan Tensense Geotech Co., Ltd is a leading-edge enterprise that excels in the domain of construction and coal mine detection technologies. We are renowned for its comprehensive approach to research, development, manufacturing, and marketing of sophisticated instruments and software tailored to these industries. With strong academic roots in Wuhan University and a team of distinguished doctoral researchers from various esteemed institutions, including Zhongnan University, Henan Polytechnic University, and Hunan University of Science & Technology, Tensense has curated a pool of seasoned experts. These professionals are well-versed in the theoretical and methodological aspects of engineering geophysics, and we form the backbone of an innovative R&D squad. This squad is particularly adept in the realms of ultrasonics, optics, and electrical engineering, which has enabled the tensense to develop and produce dependable detection equipment and software for the geotechnical and coal mining sectors.

    Tensense’s operations are bifurcated into two main departments: the Engineering Detection Division and the Coal Mine Safety Division. The former is dedicated to the development and manufacture of advanced nondestructive testing equipment for the construction industry, including ultrasonic drilling hole and groove testers, nondestructive testing instruments for anchor rods, and borehole panoramic imaging analyzers. On the other hand, the Coal Mine Safety Division specializes in producing safety-critical equipment such as mine borehole panoramic imagers, peep instruments, track instruments, nondestructive testing instruments for mine anchor rods, drilling depth detectors, and other essential coal mine safety testing apparatus.

    PT. AMEL NUSANTARA JAYA adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang produk kelistrikan dan solusi layanan. Kami memiliki banyak partner , Kami memfokuskan kepada produk dan layanan, seperti : - Automation, Conn ...

    Pengajuan kredit Pembiayaan , Melakukan kegiatan perbankan yang terbaik dengan mengutamakan pelayanan kep ...
    PT. Propan Raya Industrial Coating Chemicals

    -, - ...

    Construction, PT China Communications Construction Indonesia (CCCI) established in 2008, ...
    PT. Koalisi Tubindo

    PT. Koalisi Tubindo, Selesaikan Permasalahan Kebersihan Anda Dengan Kami Kami akan membantu a ...
    PT Gemilang Prima Utama

    PT Gemilang Prima Utama, PT. Gemilang Prima Utama adalah perusahaan yang sudah terdaftar ...
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