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Kotaminyak Internusa

Steam Assisted Flares

This type of flare utilizes the a steam injection to be mixed with gas at the flare tip in order to reduce smoke emission and radiation levels.

Air Assisted Flares
Heavy hydrocarbon has great tendency to produce smoke because unburnt hydrocarbon or gas particles. In principle of stoichiometric combustion of relief can be achieved by installing blowers to provide excess air at the flare tip.

Unassisted Flare
When the gas has good composition such as many light hydrocarbon content and high LHV, the application fo this flare type will be the main consideration after conducting the engineering simulation and calculation.

Combined HP & LP Flare
In one compact design, two types of gases which are low pressure gas and high pressure gas are burnt in a single flare tip. Designed with integrated turbulence swirl plates, it improves the mixing between high pressure gas and low pressure gas with surrounding air to create a turbulence effect inside the flame.

Offshore Flares

Any type of elevated flare can be applicable for offshore facilities. It considers the material of flare tip from high resistant of sour condition (corrosivity) and weather condition.

Pit Flares
A pit flare is installed only for onshore application and generally intermittent operation. It is generally used to burn gas with some liquid content.

Multipoint Ground Flares
Designed with several array of small pipe flare tip, installed vertically, and having a height of about 1.5 meters, it provides more efficient combustion through improved air entrainment and reduce flame length. The result is improved combustion with lower smoke emission and radiation levels than a comparable large single tip.

Low BTU Flares
Some gases contains composition which has low lower heating value (LHV), affects the gas is difficult to be burnt as minimum lower heating value of gas should be 200 Btu/scf.

Portable Flares

A portable flare is normally used for temporary flaring, for instance well test burner. This flare can be mobilized from one area to others. Portable flare is consist of Stack and ignition system that complete with battery and LPG bottles that mounted on a trailer.

Venting system
This vent is designed same with flare design type, radiation and noise shall be considered in this vent stack design, but vent stack is not completed with ignition system. The waste gas is only vented without flaring.

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