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    NEWS ( PT Duraquipt Cemerlang
    Pump )
    We are a company who manufacture & supply ASME/ ANSI B73.1M Process Pumps, package API 610, API 674 & Fire Pumps and provide maintenance, repair and services for a broad range of industrial pumps & valves. Our Company was established in the year 2000 as a response to the trend of outsourcing the supply, maintenance, repair and services done by foreign companies in Indonesia, especially by the Oil & Gas companies.

    Our growing experience list includes the following industries: Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Fertilizer, Power Plant and Mining. We have our own highly skilled in house engineer for fire pump packages. Our fire pump packages are produced and tested in accordance with NFPA 20 Standard. Our ability to make high quality packaging complete with other pump accessories enables us to be highly competitive in our price and delivery time.

    For repair service activities, we are able to repair all kind of centrifugal pumps, horizontal or vertical type, single or multistage pumps from various brands and standards.

    We have a complete range of machineries, equipments and facilities for pumps assembly, fire pumps packaging, pumps & valves repairs, pump

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    PT Nindya Karya

    PT Nindya Karya, Pembangunan Proyek yang meliputi pekerjaan civil seperti proyek Gedung, ...
    PT. Catur Elang Perkasa

    PT Catur Elang Perkasa, Our services is generally divided into several segments which are EPC (Engi ...
    PT Interport Mandiri Utama

    PT Interport Mandiri Utama, A solid team of experienced experts, and a reliable system backed by a stro ...
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