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    SENTRA ARTERI MAS Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 10-H (Arteri Pondok Indah) Jakarta 12240
    Phone : (021) 29303658
    Fax : (021) 29303659
    Email :
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    Contact : Arnold RH Tobing
    PT. TARUB KIRANA was established on 21st December 1992. Our main business is supplying of OCTG, LINE PIP, Conductor Pipe and Connector. Also, we has played an integral role in supporting companies in the Oil and Gas sector operating in Indonesia. As long as time goes, PT. TARUB KIRANA, together with our principal, has developed ourselves to face many challenges and obstacles in supplying OCTG and LINE PIPE which needed by many oil companies, especially in Indonesian region.

    In LINE PIPE business, the pipes are made from Japan by JFE Corp, Sumitomo Corp, or Nippon Steel.

    In Pipe Conductor and Connector, the pipes are made from H-Tech Oilfield Equipment (NOV, SL System, Viper, Scorpion, XLOS (XLF, SLW))

    Our professional business in Indonesia is supported by Marubeni-Itochu Tubular Asia Pte. Ltd and Marubeni-Itochu Steel Inc. Tokyo together with JFE Corp. and the Japan Steel Works (JSW) as a manufacturer who has certification from American Petroleum Institute (API) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). For the threading process, PT. TARUB KIRANA is supported by API 5CT approved threading shop, PT. Telaga Mas Mulia, Batam.
    NEWS :
    SAW Stock in PT. Tarub Kirana Yard, Batam
    The Stock of SAW Pipe before deliver to our Customer ...
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