OTHERS English Version :
English Version
Indonesia is a democratic country that continues to develop.
Political stability and macroeconomic stability, as well as dynamic economic growth, are attractive for investment and trade from within and outside the country.
The attractiveness of the Indonesian economic market is because its population of more than 270 million people is spread throughout the archipelago.
This is a large market for various products from abroad.
Apart from the market having a large population, Indonesia's natural wealth is also very abundant.
This includes everything from oil and gas, various mining commodities, various marine products, as well as agriculture, plantations, and animal husbandry.
Now, with the existence of several government programs to provide added value to Indonesia's natural products, especially for nickel mining products and palm oil plantations, investment in the downstream industry has been encouraged.
This gave rise to investment in building various factories on a large scale.
This also includes government efforts to help overcome the impacts of climate change.
Known as the Net Zero Emission program, it has encouraged the widespread use and development of Renewable Energy and the use of electric vehicles.
Both for two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles, even buses, trucks and heavy equipment.

Meanwhile, other conventional sectors also continue to be encouraged.
The investment and trade activities covering cross-sectors in Indonesia

About Tender Indonesia Service :

Founded since year 2000, we help Manufacturer, Supplier, Contractor to entry Indonesia Market.

Now we serve Bussiness Matching, Business Collaboration, Local Partner for Product Agency / Distributorship.

Please Contact :
Tito Loho
Email : titoloho@tender-indonesia.com
WA : +62 812 8224 8240

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