PT. TENDER INDONESIA since year 2000, succesfully support its memberss (Consultant, Supplier, Manufacturer, & Contractor) in searching for projects in Indonesia
Now it expande the service for overseas companies reach Indonesia opportunity. The service covering product promotion & find the local business partner (as agent, distributor & representative)
Indonesia market intelligence service

We since year 2.000 already served tousands clients, both project owner and project executor.
The membership price is US$ 2.400(Annually)

The service covering :
1. Promote your company & product to local business player, through all our web media including Special Report Bulletin and Social Media
2. Hold online zoom for you, as tools to talk with the local potential business partner
3. Provide consultation & advice for you, to know more about Indonesia opportunity and to select the suitable local business partner
Please Fill the following form
Company Name :
PIC Name :
Position :
Business Description :
Phone No:
Mobile Phone No:
Website (Optional):
Verification Code :


Address : Rukan Karang Anyar Permai baru
    Blok C No. 21, Jakarta Pusat 10740 Indonesia
Telp : (62-21) 6230 2979/624 7372 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 6230 2980/624 7371
Email : member@tender-indonesia.com
Further information contact us
Linagie : 0815 - 3933 5217 ( member@tender-indonesia.com )
CS : 0813 - 1576 9018 ( member@tender-indonesia.com )

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2024 PT. Tender Indonesia Commercial