- Agro & Fishery
- Air Navigation & Airport Facility
- Air Transportation & Maintenance
- Automation & Instrumentation
- Chemical & Industrial Gas
- Civil Work
- Computer & IT
- Construction Material
- Conveyor
- Dredging
- Drilling & Workover Well Service
- Electricity Equipment & Lightning Arrester
- Elevator, Eskalator & Travelator
- Engineering Consultant (Construction)
- EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction)
- Fabrication & Mechanical Construction
- Heavy Equipment
- HSE (Health, Safety, & Environtmental)
- Industrial Machine
- Laboratory
- Lighting
- Logistic Service
- Lubricant & Grease
- Man Power Supply
- Marine Contractor & Underwater Work
- Marine Transportation
- Mechanical & Electrical Repair
- Medical Equipment & Medicine
- Mining Service
- Non Engineering Consultant
- Oil & Gas Production
- Others
- Overhead Crane
- Pipe, Valve, Casing, Tubing, & Hose
- Plant Maintenance, Repair, & Operation
- Police & Military Equipment
- Power Generation, Transmission Cable & Equipment
- Property & Facility Maintenance
- Property Construction
- Pump
- Railway & Train
- Sea Port & Sea Navigation Equipment
- Seismic, Geotechnic, & Geophysics
- Shipyard
- Survey & Inspection
- Telecommunication
- Vehicle, Bus, & Truck
- Water, Waste Water, & Solid Waste Treatment
Kegiatan internasional, Tender Indonesia mengajak member yg Inovatif Teknologi
Ini untuk sebagai delegasi Narasumber serta menerima Penghargaan Internasional dalam :
The 16th Chemical Tech Expo Fair - CTEF
19 - 21 November 2024 - Shanghai National Convention Center
Untuk Indonesia tampil di pentas Dunia dan meraih sinergi antar pelaku usaha global
Didukung oleh :
1. Shandong Provincial Chemical Hi-end Development Promotion Association
2. Shanghai Society of Advanced Materials
3. Zhenwei International
Delegasi Indonesia terpilih :
1. Pertamina NRE - Dirut John Anis (Low Carbon Power Plant --- Biofuel Plant)
2. Nindya Karya - Dirut.Moeharmein Zein Chaniago (EPC)
3. OBM Drilchem Tbk - Dirut Ryanto Husodo (Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Drilling Fluid)
4. Duraquipt Cemerlang - Dirut Suharto & Steven Sutanto (Industrial Pump Manufacturer & Service)
5. Nose Herbal Indo - Yudhi Saputra (Cosmetics & Supplemen Manufacturer)
6. Amarta Multi Sinergi - Dirut Sarah Maryati (Investment Consulting)
7. Sucofindo Direktur David Sijabat (Testing, Inspection & Certifiction)
8. Surveyor Indonesia - Dirut Sandry Pasambuna (Testing, Inspection & Certifiction)
9. Cipta Mikro Material - Dirut Dr. -Ing Pudji Untoro (Nano Material Lab Service)
10. Boehme Indonesia - Direktur Rizal Ichwansyah (Chemical Plant)
11. Seasia Stats GNFI - CEO Rafa Sukoco (Digital & Industry 4.0)
Salam Inovasi Teknologi
Tito Loho - Chief Delegate 0818181712